martes, 21 de octubre de 2014


I think that the unconditional basic income would solve lots of  today's problems, especially in countries like Spain. In our country there are plenty of people who cannot feed their familes due to the fact that they are unemployed , so the basic income would eliminate poverty and hunger. Also, the basic income would provide confidente, self respect, and a life worth living to every human being. Other improtant point is that no one would be forced to accept poor work conditions because they would not be bound by necessity, and this way, workers would be better able to negotiate labor contracts.

But on the other hand, it is true that the basic icome is quite unfair to those who work. Those who are lazy will become even lazier. Futhermore, the money will have to come from those who earn money so, in the end, the ones who work hard every day would be hurt and lose even more in taxes, and those who are irresponsibles and do not contribute with society would benefit. In addition, unpleasant or low-paid jobs, far from disappearing, would be made ​​by people who do not have citizenship or who are not eligible for the subsidy.

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